Programming languages: how it all started
No one can deny that programming and computers have revolutionized our society: the way we work, the way we communicate, and the way we envision the future – but how did it all start? So in this set of articles I will try to present a brief history of programming languages: when did it all start, and where are we headed.
HTML5: developed for the web, growing to be mobile
HTML is the acronym for HyperText Markup Language and it’s the main markup language for displaying the information from Internet in browsers. It was wrote in 1990 and since then it was upgraded 4 times, HTML5 being the latest and “brightest” addition.
Software development: let’s make it custom
We all want to have our requirements met immediately, but as a company it’s even more important to receive personalized services, that are adapted to your day-to-day activities. A solution that responds to these needs is software development outsourcing / custom programming.
…but what does software consulting mean?
Software consulting is a service that helps other companies or self-employed individuals to meet their needs in terms of software infrastructure, development & support – by providing solutions to any software-related problems, also by creating custom software development solutions and providing training materials.
Testers vs. developers: collaboration is always the key
Testers and developers are two mandatory components in any software development process, and although some might argue that you can develop a piece of software without involving testers, in order to be a competitive software company you need to have a testing department.
A look into Agile development
By now you’ve sure heard about the Agile software development methodology, or even used this methodology in your work, so you know how intricate things can be. In order to shed some light onto this matter, I’ve gathered below the most important notions that a programmer / tester needs to know about Agile development.
Suite-based testing: a challenging job
Developing rich test suites can be a challenging job even for an experienced tester because it can decide the quality of the software and the rate of its success. So in the following article I will present my opinion as a software tester about the importance of suite-based testing (also known as “manual scripted testing”) and the process of developing test suites.
Gray-box: the bridge between black-box and white-box testing
Gray-box testing attempts, and generally succeeds, to combine the benefits of both black-box and white-box testing methods, thus cancels out some of the flaws of each testing method when used individually.
How to implement a DelayTextBox
When coding, you often need to implement a functionality that requires to be automatically performed after the text inside a text-box has changed. This can easily be implemented using the TextChanged event of a TextBox control. However, there are cases in which the application needs to perform a certain action only after the user has stopped typing inside the TextBox control
Communication: a key element for reaching success when doing software outsourcing
In today’s world, outsourcing is seen as a way to reduce costs and to increase the efficiency of a certain activity / department within a company. Also, today more companies are relying on outsourcing to custom-develop an application or improve a software product, to provide their customers with support / assistance services, and even to help them with their marketing / Internet marketing and advertising campaigns.
Manual vs. automated testing
When developing rich software applications, a crucial aspect of your work is testing – and some argue that testing should not even be regarded as a separate stage in the process, as it’s intimately related to (and chronologically merged with) the development itself.
A look at Enterprise 2.0 through Social CRM
Current national or multinational corporations use a a wide-spread organization model, involving several layers of employees. Generally, this extension is governed by the top-to-bottom rule, which works by disseminating information on a need-to-know basis from higher levels of management to lower ones.
Cloud computing: To each his own part of the cloud
Cloud computing has been with us for a while now, but it started just recently to draw attention to it, particularly because of the large scale Internet applications that client-oriented companies have built as services. Or what we now call SaaS, or software as a service.
To outsource or to insource?
For decades, the debate between choosing outsourcing over insourcing and vice versa has been standing without a clear answer. “Which of the two methods is the most suitable for an organization?” is still an unanswered question. This happens because outsourcing, as any other method or business strategy, has its ups and downs, advantages and disadvantages.
SQL Server: the DBMS classic approach
When it comes to building a database the most important thing is to look for the appropriate platform which covers all your necessities. In most cases what are you looking for is: performance, scalability, reliability and productivity. On the market today, there are more alternatives for data storage ready to answer each and every need you may have.