
Ruby is an open-source, general-purpose, object-oriented programming language designed to provide simplicity, comprehensiveness, and portability. Ruby can be used on a wide range of platforms like Windows, macOS, DOS, nearly all UNIX-based platforms, and a few others. It features a dynamic type system and a simple syntax, making it very easy to read.


  • It’s very easy to read, being suitable for experienced users, as well as for beginners
  • Ruby is one of the cleanest programming languages since there is little punctuation
  • The standard library has integrated RSS support
  • Being among the most popular programming languages, there are tons of online guides you can check out
  • It flaunts up-to-date flow control structures


  • Slow processing. According to various benchmarks, Ruby has a low processing power compared to other languages
  • Even though Ruby is quite easy to learn, at the end of the day it’s a relatively new language, so you have to start from scratch
  • Given that declaring variables before use is not required (which can be actually a benefit), as a consequence, run-time errors would be difficult to detect
  • Slow updating system. Ruby does not receive updates and bug fixes as quickly as other programming languages, like PHP, for instance.


  • Strings
  • Collections
  • Control structures
  • Blocks and iterators
  • Classes
  • Exceptions

Development Tools

  • RubyMine
  • Arcadia
  • NetBeans
  • Eclipse
  • Komodo
  • Aptana
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