RoR (Ruby on Rails)

Ruby on Rails, also known as RoR or Rails, is an open-source, web application framework that is part of the Ruby programming language. It's used for developing web applications at a very fast rate. By default, it offers structures for web pages, a web service, and a database.


  • Gems. There are a lot of gems, or plugins, that make integration much quicker.
  • Libraries. You will find a gem for almost all the things you need and the best part is that they can be searched since they are publicly available
  • Code Quality. The code that Ruby provides has a higher quality than other correspondents such as NodeJS and PHP
  • Large Community. As far as the social coding website Github is concerned, Ruby is among the most appealing languages
  • Productivity. Rails is a concise and effective programming language and, coupled with lots of third-party libraries, allows the user a quick development process. In fact, it’s known to be the most productive language.
  • Tools. Ruby on Rails offers all the necessary tools to ensure the delivery of more functions in a short time


  • Runtime Speed. The general idea is that Ruby is rather slow. It was the main reason why the Twitter developers dropped it
  • Boot speed. Working with RoR can be frustrating because it could take a while until it starts, the speed depending on the number of gem dependencies
  • Even though Ruby has support for multi-threading, there are some IO libraries that don’t because they hold the Global Interpreter Lock.
  • ActiveRecord. Ruby on Rails relies too much on ActiveRecord.


  • ActionPack
  • ActiveSupport
  • ActiveModel
  • ActiveRecord
  • ActiveResource
  • ActionMailer

Development Tools

  • RubyMine
  • VIM
  • Aptana Studio
  • Emacs
  • Sublime Tex 3
  • Atom
  • Cloud 9
  • MVSC Visual Studio Code
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