Promotion Campaign Manager
Core Marketing is a social marketing platform that gathers relevant online information about a certain brand, from online sources such as: websites, social networks, blogs etc.
#chrome  #firefox  #ie


SQL Server

- Web-based interface (the solution is designed as a web application) allowing users to access the solution from any Internet-enabled device
- Online campaigns support for gathering data about certain brands
- User satisfaction reports for the target brand (evaluates the way users feel about the brand by interpreting the results extracted by the solution)
- Support for gathering information about the brand’s online presence
- Filtering support for the search results of the campaign, for better tracking
- Quick statistics about the online user reviews for the product (negative, neutral, enjoyed)
- Various reports based on the info that was gathered, with support for exporting the reports in .CSV format
- Embedded iframe allowing users to quickly review the target website (the website on which a certain result was extracted from) within the web application itself
- Comprehensive and interactive graphical charts